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Be early to join One Amazing Ad in August 2024 for Special Bonuses!









Join One Amazing Ad Now and Learn How To:

  • Create your own Profitable Lead Magnet System
  • Build a Relationship and Connect with new Leads Fast
  • Set Up and Run Amazing List Building Ads

I'll bet you started your business to do things your way.

It probably has been going well for a while but now it feels like you're talking to the same people over and over again.

You could double down on Instagram...

You could start a YouTube channel...

OR you could set up an Amazing Facebook Ad Campaign that brings new leads into your inbox every day and turns them into clients.

Take a breath and close your eyes. Imagine in 3 months time...

You wake up and people have *magically* signed up to your mailing list using your amazing ad that you wrote and created yourself

They're signing up to your aligned lead magnet that speaks to the the heart problems and leads them towards your latest offer

You're not worried about spending money on ads as you now monitor and track how these new leads are bringing in enquiries, bookings and sales

You exhale as you know that you have the support to do this again and again as your business evolves and as you offer new services or programs over the next 9 months.

"I’m now getting twice as many leads for half the money, which has made a massive difference to my bottom line"

Miranda Ivey
Linda Black - Nutritionist, Zest Natural Theapies

“I learnt so much from Miranda’s One Amazing Ad program.

Now, I understand so much more about how Facebook ads work – as well as how to tweak, monitor AND read the reports. I’ve found that my list-building efforts have been paying off big time.

I’m now getting twice as many leads for half the money, which has made a massive difference to my bottom line. AND almost immediately there was a noticeable increase in new bookings rolling in – from clients that are a perfect fit for our services.

Miranda’s resources are easy to follow, and the weekly calls were great for getting personalised help and insights. I’ve regained enthusiasm for Facebook ads, and can’t wait to see what happens over time, now that I feel 100% in control of this aspect of my business for the first time ever. I would highly recommend Miranda’s program to any small business owner wanting to stand out from the crowd with their marketing.”

Introducing One Amazing Ad

OAA Testimonials and images (1080 x 540 px) (2)

12 month Lead Generation & Ads Program for Online Businesses

✔️ Develop a lead magnet to grow your subscriber list on autopilot

✔️ Build your mailing list with targeted ads and learn a system to see a return on your investment fast

✔️ Build trust and connection with new people away from the noise of social media

"I got so much clarity on my ads approach, copy and design, not to mention the technical setup. The personal attention (and patience!) from Miranda made the technical side much less scary and more doable."

Miranda Ivey
Sophia Pallas - Astrologer, Copywriter and Online Business Strategist

“One Amazing Ad with Miranda was fabulous!

Even as someone who's worked in online business for years, I still didn't understand how to run ads for myself... Through this program, I got so much clarity on my ads approach, copy and design, not to mention the technical setup. The personal attention (and patience!) from Miranda made the technical side much less scary and more doable.

I loved knowing I was part of a group and we were all working away on ads with similar challenges. It was super encouraging and motivating to help me get something set up during the program, which has already started to grow my email list.”

What's Included in One Amazing Ad

1. Getting started

This is where we begin, even if you've never ever run ads or considered running ads before. Learn how to install your Facebook Pixel on your website, verify your domain and know what you need to have ready. You'll also find out "what to expect when you have no idea what to expect"

2. Profitable Lead Magnets

Discover the secret sauce for your lead generation to make people sign up in droves. Whether you’ve got a boring newsletter subscription box or a lead magnet you made 3 years ago, this will help you take aligned action towards your ideal customers

3. Connection Building Landing & Thank You Pages

Even though you think your ads matter... these two pages matter just as much (if not more) If you don't have an easy sign up page what do you think will happen? That's right, you'll spend money on ads and no one will sign up. Then learn my special system for building connection that nobody else is bothering to do!

4. Scroll-stopping Ads, Images & Video

Your mission is to create ads that people want to leave their scrolling for to visit your website and sign up. Easy right? The problem is that most people don't want to leave Facebook & Instagram... so you'll find out how to put your best self forward.

5. Set Up Your Lead Generation Campaign

From creating your custom conversion to adding in target audiences, budget and more you'll be a pro in no time.

6. Review your Results & Troubleshooting

Of course things can go wrong so this module will help you know what to look at in Ads Manager and how to improve upon your results.


And no, these are not trained Facebook Ads professionals!

"Miranda helped with awesome advice and feedback on making changes to our website to improve and get right to ensure running ads would achieve our desired outcome."

Miranda Ivey
Tayla Daley-Holmes - Admin and Event Planner, Showers of Love Civil Celebrant

“Working with Miranda was a lovely experience, no question was too silly, she was able to respond in a timely manner and was there when things really needed tweaking.

Miranda helped with awesome advice and feedback on making changes to our website to improve and get right to ensure running ads would achieve our desired outcome.

Can't thank her enough for giving us the boost we needed to really kick start our small but growing business!”

One Amazing Ad is 12 Month Lead Generation Program for Online Business Owners

Join now to...

+ Craft a mailing list opt-in & that is aligned to your business direction

+ Optimise your landing page & thank you page for conversions

+ Set up a Lead Generation Campaign to grow your Mailing List & Brand Awareness

+ Understand budgets & the perfect audience to target

+ Discover how to write your own scroll-stopping ad copy & images

+ Create low cost ad campaigns from $10/ day that can also pay for itself!


"The workshops were well paced and it was a useful way to work through the key elements of a successful campaign and the actions you wanted to achieve."

Miranda Ivey
Christine Pope - Naturopath

“Miranda's "One Amazing Ad" course helped me turn the corner on my facebook advertising and get affordable leads to my email list.
The workshops were well paced and it was a useful way to work through the key elements of a successful campaign and the actions you wanted to achieve.”

Join the Waitlist

Opening August 2024!


"My favourite part of the course was the conversations around other people’s businesses, ads and results"

Miranda Ivey
Sonja Balzarolo - Bookkeeper, Blossoming Business

“I would recommend this course. The results are exactly what you sell - One Amazing Ad that gives results, whatever that is for each person. For me it was starting to build up my email list to then lead into launching my mini-course.

My favourite part of the course was the conversations around other people’s businesses, ads and results as it gives a different perspective, ideas and inspiration to keep tweaking, trying new things out to get best result.
And of course seeing the results of my ads! ”

"However much you squirm about advertising on social media, this Course gets you safely out of your comfort zone to reach your niche and gain results for your business. Miranda paves the way."

Miranda Ivey
Caroline Giles - Yoga Therapist, Experience Yoga

“The One Amazing Ad Course will give you one amazing ad!

Miranda helps you get straight to the heart of your business niche and then coaches you to develop and launch an ad. All the tech details are demystified and you gain confidence in how and that the ad process still does work!

In my specialised niche of Yoga Therapy, it’s not easy to be seen or understood. I learnt so much more than just reach, leads but how to ‘craft’ events, ‘work’ my email contacts and simplify landing/web pages to see results.

However much you squirm about advertising on social media, this Course gets you safely out of your comfort zone to reach your niche and gain results for your business. Miranda paves the way.

I love working with Miranda and know you will too. ”

Hey 👋 I'm Miranda,

I love helping online business owners come out of their shell sharing their experience and knowledge with the world. 

I’ve been on a mission to simplify online marketing for small business owners for 10 years because for far too long, too many awesome people have felt too "dumb" to be in a power position online.

After blowing the minds of big brands with these low-cost strategies I’m obsessed with helping business owners everywhere build connection with their customers fast.

My superpowers include breaking down your online overwhelm so you can truly let people in to your fabulous way of doing what you do!

You are fabulous, now let's tell the world with ONE AMAZING AD!

"Thanks for putting up with my millions of Facebook posts and holding my hand through the whole process!"

Miranda Ivey
Alison Fleming - Creative Crafts RC

“I have learnt so much during One Amazing Ad and with Miranda's assistance I was able to launch my first ad.

Miranda is a wealth of knowledge. She is so friendly and helpful. It has been great learning the process to launch a Facebook ad and track its progress.

I highly recommend Miranda and the One Amazing Ad course.

Thanks for putting up with my millions of Facebook posts and holding my hand through the whole process!”


Can you guarantee that my Facebook ads will work?

I've been managing Facebook ads for a large variety of clients for the past three years, selling everything from sleep products to healthy eating online courses. Facebook ads are a fickle beast but you'll be getting every trick I have to ensure your success.

What about lead magnets?

Lead magnets are the best way to attract new leads. As a bonus, you will have access to Unlock the Power of Your Lead Magnet to set your Lead Magnet up for success.

How long will it take to set up my ads?

First you need to set up your Profitable Lead Magnet system. Once you've got that sorted, you can go through the ads set up modules as fast or as slow as you want. You'll then be able to ask questions in the group and on our bi-monthly calls.

Do you offer refunds?

When you run a business you need to make firm decisions. If between purchasing and the course starting you have a reason why you're unable to undertake this course, please contact us on and we can arrange for you to be part of a future round.

What happens if I can't make it live?

Don't worry, i've got your back. Each session will be recorded and available for 30 days so you can watch it when you have time.

Are we really eating frogs 🐸?

“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” - Mark Twain

Often business owners keep putting off lead generation until times are tough. It's way better to get on the front foot with your lead generation and growing your list so that when you have something new to sell or you need more sales, you've got an audience to sell to.

So yes, if you've been putting off eating the Facebook ads frog, you're in the right place.

I've done this course before, can I just rejoin?

Sometimes our business direction changes and we need new ads to find new customers - I totally get it!

All previous One Amazing Ad members enjoy a significant discount on future rounds, get in touch with us on if you'd like to join us again. 

Register on the Waitlist

Now Open for August


Results from this program will vary as every business is different. Facebook & Instagram ads are a tricky beast with many variables including but not limited to your product type, budget, website, offer and target audience. This course will help you to understand how you can use paid ads if you would like to. No guaranteed sales are given for the success of your paid ads or content.

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