From little things amazing things grow.

Embrace being your own boss, have more fun in business and connect with smart women.


Doors Open Now!









Grow Wilder Business Collective is for women who are running their own business who are over doing everything all on their own.

An online community of smart, intelligent business owners. You don’t need another course, you want a sounding board, inspiration and accountability.

When you have the dream of running a business and still have time to look after your health and do activities you love, let me show you how.

Wouldn’t it be great if running your own business was easy?

+ You have enough time to act on all those big ideas you have.

+ Your bank account feels like it’s the magic pudding and always has plenty.

+ You finally get the whole freedom of working for yourself.

Oh wait… then everyone would be doing it right?

I talk with women in business all the time. They often tell me that they’re waiting for when it’s going to pay off, they feel like they’re always behind and they’re too afraid to look at their finances.


Sound familiar?

Let me tell you a secret… you’re going to keep finding yourself sliding back down into stressed out overwhelm if you don’t find a way to navigate your way through. 

If it’s time to start acting like the boss while also letting your freak flag fly out there, then keep reading.

For years I ran my business feeling like I was constantly behind.

I would drop my kids at daycare, only to rush back to sit at my desk. I felt like I never had enough time and I was not going to “make it” while I watched others on Instagram move full steam ahead.

I was in a feast or famine cycle and spent money on courses and programs, only to feel queasy when the monthly payment came out and I hadn’t even opened up the course platform (again).

I didn’t want to talk about what I was doing with my partner and had to fend off regular “suggestions” from family that I look into changing career.

For me, the answer wasn't found in buying another course (even though the marketing was good at telling me I needed it), it came in the form of accountability and a coach who told me that “no you’re not crazy” for wanting this.

Since 2014 I’ve helped hundreds of small businesses with their marketing strategy, planning and accountability to not only increase their revenue but to enjoy running their business more.

My clients are smart, savvy and switched on. They come to me for a way to cut through all the noise and hype online.

When you run your own business, you can fall into the mind trap of feeling not “big enough” and “it’s all too hard”

Here’s how this can play out:


You find you're hiding how your business is going from your partner, family or friends

You feel unworthy or have nothing to talk about when it comes to your business. 

You’re so worried when the question “how’s business” comes up that you're even starting to avoid seeing people.


You’re in a constant cycle or “yay money!” and “oh no I don't know what I'm going to do this month"

You think it’s easier not to know how your business finances are.

You don’t think you’re “good” with money.

You don’t have a full idea what you’re spending in expenses.

You’re not 100% sure what you’re making each month, only that it feels like “not enough.”


You feel worried and stressed about doing work rather than spending time exercising or getting some fresh air (which is making you even more stressed)

Your sleep is being affected due to worrying about your business.

You’re spending so much time faffing about rather than dedicated time to get your shit done.

Business Creativity

You have great ideas but feel like there’s no time to put them into action.

You worry that you’re not doing a "good" job and this is in turn squeezing out the big exciting plans that got you into running your business in the first plans

You’re buying into the mentality that things aren’t working so you’re beginning to think that you need to conform to what everyone else is doing.

You’re putting your creativity to the side as you spend too much time on admin and small fry tasks.


You feel like there’s more people you could help with what you do but don't know how or where to find them.

You aren’t putting yourself out there because you’re worried about people saying no.

You’re worried about people saying no in case it means you’re not good at what you do.

Which ultimately means that there’s people out there who need you but they don’t know about you because you’re worried about putting yourself out there...

Grow Wilder Business Collective.
From little things amazing things grow.


It is possible to run your own small or micro business, make money AND enjoy yourself at the same time.

Here’s some of the common ways that you might be hurting the effectiveness of your business:

  • Overcomplicating your marketing
  • Not looking at your finances or paying yourself a regular wage
  • Spending time doing tasks that aren’t necessary
  • Beating yourself up for always being “behind”
  • Not connecting with other smart women like yourself
  • Avoiding being prideful in case someone thinks you’re “too big for your boots”
  • Trying to mind read everyone everywhere, even people who don’t know you
  • Not having anyone to talk with who “gets it”
  • Making plans without outside accountability

Hi, I'm Miranda,

I’m a Marketing and Small Business Coach. I love to help women to enjoy running their businesses now rather than waiting until they’ve “made it”.

I’m a mum, I surf, dance and rollerskate.

I work max 20 hours per week.

My revenue has gone from embarrassingly low to paying myself Christmas bonuses. 

I’m a Facebook Ads Manager for a wide range of businesses from meditation memberships to motorhomes, guided drawing for art therapists to wedding shoes.

I have a wild dream that sees more women in business than ever. They're absolutely rocking it and have left their self-consciousness and small thinking behind. They're loving what they do and are having a ripple effect on their own families, communities and those of their clients.

They are Growing Wilder by the day.

What happens when you Grow Wilder?


You are emboldened by what you’re doing in your business and celebrate it with your partner, family & friends.

You feel proud of what you’ve accomplished to date and know that there’s so much more to come.

You don't shy away from people asking you “How’s business?” at Christmas lunch (Answer, it’s been a wild ride and there’s more to come thanks mate)


You pay yourself a monthly, fortnightly or weekly wage.

You are saving towards your super or investments.

You feel happy about your business purchases and avoid that “oh gosh why did I sign up to that” guilty feeling.

You send invoices on time.

You are confident in your pricing and not worried about people saying "no" or whether people can afford your services.


You have time for you to do the activities you enjoy.

You are feeling less stressed about money, clients and launching.

You find you have more energy to put into your business or other creative pursuits.

Your weekly to-do list taps into your own inner timeline. If you want to have a nap after lunch every day, you do.

You feel good, more often.

Business Creativity

You have space and in your schedule and can easily tap into your inner creative resourcefulness.

You're not freaking out about your latest Instagram post being seen or not seen as you know there's so much more in the tank. 

You’re excited about what you have to offer, and ideas for content will simply flow out of you

You have plenty of time to create.


More clients will know about what you do and you offer.

You’re helping more people with your special skillz.

You realise how many connections you’ve already made and how you can leverage these to grow your business.

You have your own personal promotion plan to connect with even more people.

Without feeling bad about yourself and not “far enough along”, you’ll be tapping into this crazy idea that even you can run a successful business on your own terms.

Introducing… Grow Wilder Business Collective

Accountability, Community and Strategy Combined.

If you’ve been running your own business, you'll know it can be really hard to kick yourself up the bum.

You want someone to coach you with what to do, not just tell you what has worked for them.

You have enough going on in life and don't have time to sit and  watch more videos or download worksheets.

Experience personalised Coaching on exactly what you’re going through.

A gentle push and a community to be part of.

Smart strategies to guide you to manage your time, money, gain new clients and market yourself in a way that feels right for you.

Coaching Calls

4 months of coaching and strategy calls on where you’re at in your own personal plan. Simply by showing up and being coached, you will see untold changes in yourself and your life.

VIP Facebook Group

Your online home for asking questions and receiving feedback on everything from sales pages to celebrating your latest wins.

Q1 Picnic Day In-Person Event

Celebrate the end of Q1 2024 with all your Grow Wilder Collective Crew with an in-person event in late March 2024 in the Byron Bay region. More details to come, travel and accommodation not included.

Miranda Ivey

“Miranda has been pivotal in getting me back on track with my business. She’s helped me to look at what is and isn’t working and given me much food for thought on what the exciting next steps can be. She has helped me feel invigorated and inspired to hit the ground running in the new year. Highly recommend!”

Graphic Designer

Miranda Ivey

“Your style is supportive but direct so it’s easy to get on with what needs to happen. Every conversation always had helpful information that got us to understanding our unique special sauce in business. (Info we need but not necessarily what we signed up for)”

Bookkeeper & Financial Coach

Miranda Ivey

“I truly learn so much when we work together”

Yoga Therapist

Miranda Ivey

“Whilst it was a simple and practical topic we talked about, it brought to light it was something that needed more attention than us guests were giving it. It was very useful for me and actually made me reevaluate my relationship with money, my self-worth and also to respect and value the quality of me and the service I offer.
You have a beautiful energy that is inviting and approachable. This is very drawing and your advice is from the heart as a caring person rather than the "I told you so" type of expert.”

Soulfully Guided

Miranda Ivey

“You've inspired me so much by the simplicity of last week that I now know I don’t have to have "everything figured out in the big picture”


Here’s what you're part of when you join Grow Wilder

10 x 90 minute group coaching sessions from December 2023 - March 2024

(Value $2000)

In person retreat day in the Byron / Lennox region on March 27 (travel and accommodation not included, people must make their own arrangements)

(Value $400)

VIP online coaching and feedback via our Facebook group - 3 month access

(Value $1500) 

Community of female business owners (priceless!)

Join before December 20, 2023 and enjoy a Bonus 1:1 90 minute Strategy & Coaching Session with Miranda Ivey (Value $440) 

Total Value $4330

Grow Wilder Pricing options

Pick the price option that best fits your needs:


Pay In Full

1 x Payment


Monthly Payment Plan

4 x Monthly Payments


Monthly Payment Plan

10 x Monthly Payments


I’ve only been in business for a few months, is this right for me?

Grow Wilder is for you if you’re looking for a group coaching experience. It doesn’t matter if you’re new. When I was starting out I invested $2000 USD in a course for my Macrame business. I had to borrow the money from my mum in order to join. However what I realised was that it wasn’t about the course content, it was about the connections I made with other business owners. This investment has paid off many times over.

I’ve been in business for 5+ years is this right for me?

I’ve been running a solo business for over 5 years and I find the best money I spend is on quality coaching. For the mentoring yes, and also for the connections with other people. Running a business on your own can be lonely and it’s a great way to stay motivated or to be supported when you’re going through a rough patch.

When are the Coaching Calls?

The Coaching Calls are on a schedule of approximately 2 x per month in December 2023 & January 2024 and 3 x per month for February & March 2024. There is a complete list of dates available on request. The Calls are over Zoom on Wednesdays from 12pm - 1.30pm AEDT.

What happens if I can’t make the Coaching Calls?

You can watch the recordings afterwards, you can also ask any questions during the week via our Facebook Group.

What kind of “feedback” and “coaching” will I receive?

Depends on what you need. This is personalised coaching in a group environment, whereby you learn from being coached and also by listening. I bring many years of experience working with a broad cross section of businesses. You might need feedback on a marketing strategy, or you may need the confidence to raise your prices. You might be wanting coaching on how to pursue a new business idea without alienating yourself from your existing clients.

How many people will be in the group?

A maximum of 10. A minimum of 1. If you’re in this solo, well you’re going to be getting a whole lot of coaching!

Can I just work with you 1:1?

This is the best and most supportive way to work with me right now. If you would like to discuss 1:1 whether we’re a fit, email me now on

Will you help me with my Facebook Ads as part of this group?

This is a strategy and accountability coaching group. If you are running ads and want to share screenshots in the group with questions about results, I am more than happy to offer feedback. However I will not be doing live ads coaching during our calls, if that’s what you're wanting, please sign up to the One Amazing Ad Wait list.

I need more information on this Picnic Day?

Here’s what I’m envisioning… an outrageously good day in the Byron Bay region where we collectively gather. The final arrangements will depend on the group size and people’s availability on the day.

Can I speak with you before I join?

Of course, email me on and let’s arrange a time to discuss what you’re looking for when it comes to your business in 2024.