Ready to make 2024 even better than this year?

Join Miranda Ivey Marketing & Solo Business Coach as she unpacks her 5 step plan on how you can make 2024 outrageously good.

As a solo business owner herself she understands the importance of looking after yourself, your mental health and your energy as you chase big dreams in the new year. 

In this workshop you will:

- Enjoy setting big goals for 2024

- Learn how to move forward when you feel like it’s all too impossible

- Find out strategies to plan, manage your time and have more fun in 2024!

I’m a Marketing and Small Business Coach who helps women to enjoy running their businesses now rather than waiting until they’ve “made it”.

I’m a mum, I surf, dance and rollerskate.

I work around 20 hours per week.

My income has gone from embarrassingly low to paying myself Christmas bonuses. 

I’m a Facebook Ads Manager for a wide range of businesses.

I love to have big dreams and help my clients see beyond what they think is possible for them. After selling everything from motorhomes to meditation, I now know that business strategy always works best when my clients dare to get a little wild.
